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Hi, I'm Christina


Estancia Valley born and raised. The Dial family settled in the Estancia Valley in 1908. Alberto and I, raised our four children in the Estancia Valley. My three boys still live in the Estancia Valley and my daughter lives in Montana. New Mexico is ranked overall #46 out of 50! This ranking includes health care, education, economy, infrastructure, opportunity, fiscal stability, crime, and natural environment. A total embarrassment! What is happening in the legislature is not working!!!  I am a proud New Mexican. New Mexico has beautiful People, beautiful cultures, and beautiful landscapes. New Mexico is truly the land of Enchantment and I will fight to make New Mexico live up to the name. 




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The way I improved my properties, I aim to do the same for the

State of New Mexico

           We bought our rental properties one by one to build up over a dozen properties. Through trial and error our rentals succeeded.  

As your State Representative, I will fight for you!  The opioid crisis is a major concern for me. The opioid epidemic is everywhere in the rural communities and in the cities. I worked many years in education as a substitute teacher, our children education is failing and I will fight for our children.

These two issues I believe lead up to other downfalls to our beautiful state. Low education and drug use leads to  unemployment, mental issues, abortion, domestic violence and crime. 

I will also, fight against the chipping away of our Constitutional Rights!! For God & Country!


School Bus & Children
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